[ROM] CyanogenMod 9 for S7 Slim (ALPHA)

Can you overclock kernel a little..like 800 mhz to be 1 ghz and 1ghz like 1.15. .it can be always downgraded with set cpy or similar program

check the overclock dir
new freqs (it runs as same vcore as 998)
I have the same problem , i have noticed there are 2 places where u can set smallestScreenWidthDp=721
forcetabletUI=1 in build.prop.

It will correct when you set ro.sf.lcd_density=120 (the original is ro.sf.lcd_density=160) in the build.prop.
asturel said:
check the overclock dir
new freqs (it runs as same vcore as 998)

There is just one boot.img there and no luck..it booted first time and fail in 5 seconds..after that it would not boot at all..maybe give that boot with lower..i would not add vcore until google it how this cpy handles it...but i saw on other forum that they runing on 1150 on desire
There is just one boot.img there and no luck..it booted first time and fail in 5 seconds..after that it would not boot at all..maybe give that boot with lower..i would not add vcore until google it how this cpy handles it...but i saw on other forum that they runing on 1150 on desire

the default value is 998mhz, its fine for me at 1036
What version did you upload..that of 1036 or some other..if no can you upload that of 1036
i mean by default it runs at 998mhz at top, but u change it e.g. with setcpu, so by default it boots at 998mhz, not over 998mhz
asturel said:
i mean by default it runs at 998mhz at top, but u change it e.g. with setcpu, so by default it boots at 998mhz, not over 998mhz

Is that version you upload?
There are 5 different fq from 245 to 998...did you change all or just one..
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check the pix

p.s.: check the latest build, i merged the oc'ed kernel into it, and plz feedback


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To everyone struggling with the tablet UI in CM10, this is what worked for me. Please note, this process can only be done via recovery mode. It will corrupt your build.prop if done otherwise, at least in my experience. I could only do it immediately after installing CM10 and GApps, without exiting recovery mode.

In recovery mode, mount both /system/ and /sdcard/.

Next, you need to open cmd and type:

Adb pull /system/build.prop c:\cm10

After that, navigate to C:\cm10 and edit build.prop with notepad. There are a few things that need to be changed. Firstly, browse to ro.sf.lcd_density=160 and change it to ro.sf.lcd_density=120. It may contain a hash/pound (like this: "#ro.sf.lcd_density=160) in which case you need to remove the hash/pound symbol.

After that, navigate further down and change smallestScreenWidthDp=0 to smallestScreenWidthDp=721 and forcetabletUI=0 to forcetabletUI=1.

Once that is done, save the file and open cmd again.
Type the following:

adb push c:\cm10\build.prop /sdcard/ && abd remount rw && adb shell "cat /sdcard/build.prop > /system/build.prop && adb reboot"

And then press enter. Please do NOT leave out the quotation marks. This will then reboot your tablet and you will be in tablet mode, with everything to scale (not huge). Please note, you can NOT use this fix to resolve blackscreen problem, and modifications to build.prop while booted normally will delete all info in it, giving you a black screen (and a 0kb build.prop) forcing you to format and reinstall the rom. Dpi changer will also cause black screen.

For CM9 users:

Find #ro.sf.lcd_density=160 and change it to ro.sf.lcd_density=120. Basically, remove the hash/pound symbol, and change it to 120. Dpi changer works in cm9.

I registered specifically to help the users here with the tablet ui - it took many reinstalls to get it working the way I want. Enjoy!

One more thing - Great work Asturel, and all others that put effort into this. Loving it.

Before I go, I want to share an issue I've been having with the WiFi hotspot. Even with the app set up the way that was suggested, my blackberry and other devices (iPad etc) doesn't detect the hotspot, even if I manually enter the SSID.. Can anyone help with this?

Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
asturel said:
check the pix

p.s.: check the latest build, i merged the oc'ed kernel into it, and plz feedback

Yes but you should make kernel where top is 1.03 or little higher..i cant even go to setcpu to lower fq to 1.03 because it crashes before it.
HrBingR said:

Before I go, I want to share an issue I've been having with the WiFi hotspot. Even with the app set up the way that was suggested, my blackberry and other devices (iPad etc) doesn't detect the hotspot, even if I manually enter the SSID.. Can anyone help with this?

Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
You probably forget something..my PC and notebook recognise it..my iPhone and android phone recognise it ,my Samsung galaxy player recognise it and it work on all.

And i dont know why you complicated with adb..just downlod x-plore set superuser in settings go to build.prop and click edit text and that is it..