[ROM] CyanogenMod 9 for S7 Slim (ALPHA)

I believe this is on top of cm10 and there is a dirty way to port this. Let me check the details.

Sent from my Transformer TF101

yeah, they using cm10 as base, but i didnt found anything for using the existing cm10 repo (but i wasnt looking it too hard)
This is a copy from xda forum:
The way I port this rom for my device in short :

Things needed :

* Apktool + latest aapt (android sdk)
* Main compiled PA rom (use D4rKn3sSyS compiled rom for 240 dpi device, use molesarecoming compiled rom for 320 dpi device)
* (un)official CM9 nightly donor rom for your device
* 7-zip
* Comparison tool (I use WinMergeU)
* ADB (I prefer QtADB)

Working order :

* unzip main and donor rom
* copy system/framework/framework-res.apk from main rom to your apktool folder.
* rename system/framework/framework-res.apk to framework-res2.apk from donor rom and copy it to your apktool folder.
* decompile both framework-res.apk files with apktool.
* compare and merge your device specific entries in the res/values folder and the res/xml folder using a comparison tool with both framework-res.apk files loaded.
* compile your freshly modified framework-res.apk using apktool.
* open your compiled framework-res.apk found in apktool/framework-res/dist folder and open the original framework-res.apk file of the main PA rom using 7-zip.
* Overwrite the /res folder from main PA framework-res.apk with the /res folder from your modified framework-res.apk using 7-zip.
* delete system/framework and system/app folders from donor rom
* copy system/framework (including your modified framework-res.apk) and system/app folders from main PA rom to your donor rom.
* copy pad.prop from main PA rom to your donor /system folder
* compare both build.props to check for important entries/changes and don't forget to add the PA specific lines:

* delete the /system folder from your donor ROM.zip and copy your 'freshly ported' /system folder back to the donor ROM.zip
* hope for the best after flashing and check ADB for errors if they appear.

Sounds easy, but there is more to it.. this is basic stuff.. just don't forget to use xda and google for more information regarding device specific stuff, errors and porting in general..

Please don't fill this thread with questions about how to use the mentioned software... there are most likely other threads for that !

Good Luck.."

Sent from my Transformer TF101
Anyone know how to get Play Store fully working? I cannot download simple apps like for example Drag Racing... The same on both CMs. Even Gmail app isn't shown.
Registered here to personally thank you Asturel for your marvellous work. I was just thinking this week of getting rid of my slim, then you came along and gave it life again. Thanks A LOT!
1. download recovery from asturel at page 1, overwrite this file with one of trizet recovery in folder that you have save before on computer
2. turn on your s7 slim with press power button+volume up then you go to bootloader screen
3. type fastboot flash recovery recovery.img and fastboot reboot
4. you can install asturel rom and gapps in recovery screen after that. for instruction and how to install and other problems, see every page of this thread. Good luck. :cool:

thanks mate it is working great i can download in google play

now my only problems is when im connecting my slim in my pc . the pc is only detecting the sd card..

before i install this rom my pc can detect also my internal storage whats the problem now??

i also hope there will be a camera fix and also the sounds..

ASTRUEL u make my SLIM to be ALIVE again thanks!!!!!
it wasnt for u, what's those hybrid patches?
i turned on off wifi like 1000x times, after sleep, before sleep, etc, cant make it to reboot, could someone describe exactly the steps?

Hi asturel,

I wipe the system and install again, it do seems ok for wifi, i tested for over 10 times;

But BT keeps the old problem.
hey asturel we like to have a camera fix.. Is there any way we can help for the development? Front camera is the most wanted and at least please front camera... We can help you... please asturel...
tlmax said:
hey asturel we like to have a camera fix.. Is there any way we can help for the development? Front camera is the most wanted and at least please front camera... We can help you... please asturel...

How much you have 8 or 10 years..camera want be fix because there would be need to write library from the ground ..if you have one year for that then start writing library or stop beging ,if you want camera back to 2.2 or buy another device.
new lockscreen layout


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