New overclocked kernel avaiable for the NOOKcolor

I am using the 900mhz. Are you guys using profiles in setcpu? My temp profle doesn't seem to be working properly...its not reading the temp properly. Are profiles really needed on the nook? I am using an ondemand governor

sent from my rooted nook color

I use these profiles:
and yes they are good to have on the NC. No temp. readings yet for the NC.

Is there any other location besides xda to get the kernels? I can't d/l from there. I'm registered but something is amiss.

The 4 kernels listed are the one only currently available. The NC is still fairly new and there are still no custom roms. You can get kernels from here:

Please use the search feature here on the forum; it is your friend.
Ok. Thank you. I have set my profiles and all is running well will the 900mhz kernel.
Well, I've tried the 900 and 950 kernels. Neither of them will boot for me. When I revert to the stock (800 Mhz) kernel my NC will boot just fine. Here's hoping that the code will be tightened up and it'll work for all NCs.
Hmm weird... I wonder is it an auto-nooter issue?!? Anyone besides myself successfully running the 950 or 1Ghz kernel?
Just installed the 950. Having some screen press problems. Have to press down harder than normal. But basically ok. I will see if it goes away.

sent from my rooted nook color
Just installed the 950. Having some screen press problems. Have to press down harder than normal. But basically ok. I will see if it goes away.

sent from my rooted nook color

It will happen all everyone running these kernel and it's easily fixable.

note: If touch sensitivity is somewhat unresponsive, simply press the power button to make your NC
go to sleep, then "n" to wake back up. Your super responsive touch should return back to normal.
The author of the new kernels said there is something a little off on his kernel scripts and this
is the solution for this temporary touch issue. Work for me. :)
Ok. Sounds like an easy fix. I should add that I installed these kernels using the latest version of clockwork recovery
No typo. I downloaded it from the market. It is currently on
Thanks. It's sometimes difficult to keep up with CWR as it seems to get updated frequently and in streaks.
Yeah, I have 0.5 installed already. I'm actually waiting to see if Cyanogen releases a ROM for the NC as well as XDA releasing a more stable kernel too. My NC is not liking the 900 and 950 kernels at all. Still using the stock 800 kernel right now.
Having used Cyanogen on the droid 1, I can say it has its ups and downs, but I am looking forward to it. They just acquired one of my favorite developers of the Sapphire Droid Rom. It will be interesting to see what they come up with. They have a great team now.
Stelv I think you may be confusing ClockworkMod Rom Manager app and ClockworkMod Recovery.

ROM_Manager.apk (version which can be used on any droid and recovery-clockwork- which is made for the NC exclusively. I guess it doesn't help the version numbers are the same.

I'd be ok with use any rom manager version but stick to dedicated CW Recovery versions made for the Nookcolor.
I use these profiles:
and yes they are good to have on the NC. No temp. readings yet for the NC.

950 kernel working great so far for me. I am using the following SetCPU settings, which I picked up from the thread over at XDA:
600/950, on demand, set on boot (on main tab)
150000, 65, 0, 0, set on boot (on advanced tab)
I only use a single screen off profile (300/600, enable, set on boot)