New overclocked kernel avaiable for the NOOKcolor

950 kernel working great so far for me. I am using the following SetCPU settings, which I picked up from the thread over at XDA:
600/950, on demand, set on boot (on main tab)
150000, 65, 0, 0, set on boot (on advanced tab)
I only use a single screen off profile (300/600, enable, set on boot)

Cool, thanks for posting. Glad someone else has 950 mhz running well. I have all those setcpu setting you listed except the 150000 sampling rate. I haven't done the research on what that is yet to make the change.
rico, thank you very much for all the info. i have the 950 kernel in and running like a charm. quite a difference! i knew it was only a matter of time before the nook joined the rest of the android world of kernels and i'm loving this one. it must have made a big difference because my wife noticed....
update to my last post, things are working great still with the 950 kernel and i just ran a quadrant test and i got a score of 1009! not too shabby for a device not meant to do this type stuff....