[ROM] Nookie Comb 0.4.13!!! (Froyo 2.2 based) Updated 4/13/2011

Can this be flashed with internal cwr 3.0.1?

sent from my rooted nook color
You are going to have to wipe system, data and cache before flashing over since you are going from eclair to froyo (2.1 to 2.2). But now you know that you can use TB to get your apps and data back or just reinstall apps from scratch for a fresh start.

" J515OP" I am reading as you told me.... I have a question. The You Tube video I was watching doing a step by step on installing Froyo, stated that going from autonooter to Froyo you didn't have to wipe your system? Now your saying you do? Is that correct? Do you have to go back to the orginial B & N nook?
" J515OP" I am reading as you told me.... I have a question. The You Tube video I was watching doing a step by step on installing Froyo, stated that going from autonooter to Froyo you didn't have to wipe your system? Now your saying you do? Is that correct? Do you have to go back to the orginial B & N nook?

Technically I don't think you have to wipe system/data first but it does say to do this directly in the developers instructions. You should always wipe the cache/davlik at a minimum though. It is not necessary to go back to the original B&N nook first.
Can this be flashed with internal cwr 3.0.1?

sent from my rooted nook color


From OP
I am not responsible for any damages you may encounter (though you probably won’t). This is a Clockwork flashable zip only. It WILL erase your internal memory. Please make the necessary backups.
Yea i got it installed. Flash works in browser. sdcard shows internal memory and can be accessed through astro, but gallery does not see sdcard. Youtube works in app but having some problems with it in browser. So far running pretty good but even with nookie overclocked to 1.1 it is still a bit slower than gb ultimate droid at 950. I will explore it a little further. Bottom bar is awesome.

sent from my rooted nook color
Heres a screen


sent from my rooted nook color
Looks tight, especially the bottom bar and hc soft buttons.
Yea having everything on the bottom makes it more user friendly. There is some black on black text in some menu items, but it's not too bad.

Sent from my fascinate
i successfully flashed it, but could NOT for the life of me to get it to recognize my SD. NO notification that it was connect and nothing indicating that it could be accessed. Therefore, couldn't get Launcherpro settings "restored". And couldn't get icons either.

I messed around with it, but i couldn't find the settings for the browser to NOT load mobile sites.

This flash was my first ROM flash and it was a success. i wanted to restore my stock rooted eclair (boy did that take LONG or what!?) just to make sure I could do it.

so here i sit with stock rooted eclair again. I am going to wait for some of these bugs to be squashed, namely there are bugs with OC kernal with this ROM.
Sdcard works after unmounting and remounting in settings. Gallery might not see sdcard though. My kernel speed up after I cleared dalvick cache in utilities.

Sent from my fascinate
Installing the regular (not OC) version now. Trying to go from Phiremod Beta 2 to this with just cache partition and davlik wipes since they are both Froyo. We'll see how it goes.

*Update - Ok well it seems to work ok coming from Phiremod Bea 2 with a simple cache/davlik wipe. Seems a little slower than Beta 2 with the 800MHz to Beta 2 running at 1.1GHz. The HC theme is nice and it is great to have that bottom bar with the dedicated back, home and menu button of HC (seem a little blurry though). Also a nice touch to have the clock and battery in the bar.

Very colorful compared to Beta 2 where all the menus are black and white. Some menus have black on black text as noted. Also Quadrent seems be be getting the H.264 freeze. Comes with canvas and Mail'd apps as nice bonuses. NI keyboard is intresting with white back ground.

Linpak: 9.955/8.24
Smartbench 2011: 671/965 (does run full screen)

*Update 2 - Niether Youtube app or in broswer seems to work and Flash not working. Ok, a simple reboot fixed the youtube app but the browser still gives message that the latest flash is needed even though I'm running the latest flash.
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Nice little easter egg (nice extra little pun since it is almost easter) there at the end of the install.

"Your nookCOLOR screams at you: OMGZ!1!!!!"

"Happy late April Fools..."

"Installation complete. Enjoy Nookie Comb!"
Going to give this a go tonight, see what the buzz is about. :)

Question: you guys/gals running the oc rom or flashing update-froyo-dalingrin-OC-emmc-032811 kernel?
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Going to give this a go tonight, see what the buzz is about. :)

Question: you guys/gals running the oc rom or flashing update-froyo-dalingrin-OC-emmc-032811 kernel?

I just loaded the OC Kernel version of Nookie Comb. It bumps up to 1.1GHz and is definitely speedier. Not sure which kernel was packaged in this version of Nookie Comb.

Linpack: 13.101/6.4
Smartbench 2011: 885/1018

I should also note the wifi connection so far works much better than Phiremod Beta 2 which had long delays in connecting and sometimes wouldn't unless you manually triggered it.
I am using the kernel that came with oc version. Not as speedy as ud gingerbread but its ok.

Bugs from I can see....
-Quadrant doesn't work properly
-Black on black text
-Gallery doesn't see sdcard. But astro does
-Youtube giving me problems in miren browser. But flash is working for me in miren browser. Takes a while to load.

Main feature that is causing me to keep this rom is bottom bar. Way better than having it at top.

Sent from my fascinate