[ROM] Nookie Comb 0.4.13!!! (Froyo 2.2 based) Updated 4/13/2011

Each android operating system is faster than it's processor. :)

If Steve's descriptions are correct, it seems this rom is nookie froyo base with no os improvements, just themes and add-ons.

Had no chance to flash this rom, bad storm at the house, power lines and trees down. I didn't even bring my NC to work today. :(
I had part of that storm rico...my internet was out most of the day yesterday and didn't come back on at the house until this morning.
My front yard :(


power out since 2am
My front yard :(


power out since 2am

Total bummer! Our part of that storm came through yesterday morning, but we didn't have that kind of damage, at least not that I saw...but our DSL is temperamental at best...so whenever the lights flicker, I know that I will be without internet for some time...
Jeez...I guess it was a bad storm. Luckily that tree didn't fall on a car or anything.
Well it fell on my neighbor's car, luckily it was the very top of the top and caused no damage. I helped cut around it this morning.

Down the street

Close up of my tree

4:30 pm still no power

1/4 mile from my house
Hopefully the power comes back on soon! Hopefully you didn't have anything good in the fridge.
Here is my latest shot of nookie comb using desktop visualizer


sent from my rooted nook color
Looks good with visualizer although I'm not inlove with this ROM. It has some nice features but just doesn't seem quite as snappy as other ROMs. What screen shot app are you using?
Update to OP: NookieComb v0.4.13 (4-13-2011)

NookieComb v0.4.13
  • Added and modified brianf21's Status bar toggle application with new icons
  • Added QuickDesk Launcher application (set this guy as default). This will allow you to toggle the status bar within any other application by double tapping the hard home button. You can set LauncherPro from within QuickDesk
  • Replaced NookColorUtils with Nookie-Froyo Utils
  • Adjusted a few font colors for readability. Less black on black
  • Removed MIUI Music .apk
  • Added new Honeycomb/Gingerbread Music.apk. (Hide Jumper test using my new launcherpro_backup.zip)
  • Removed my April Fool's day joke
In the past month and a half that I have had my NC, I have used: CM7, Deeper Blue's v4 3.0 preview and now NookieComb and NookieComb is working great and looks great. I have a few problems downloading some games and apps that force reboot my nook and some force close issues but overall it's great!

Anyone else had those issues?