a lot of peeps with the wifi only model are reporting the same, i think its the panels, the 3g version was released after, so may have had a different job lot of panels, it could be a voltage that needs turned down, i would suggest that you have a look at the kernel, and read up an honeycomb, and maybe change the parameters for the touch response, it isnt as complicated as it sounds, it would just require you to edit the kernel a bit, have a look at modoca.com, and ask if someone can show you how to adjust the kernel, it might take you a few days to learn all this, but it would be worth it in the end, and a lot of 10s wifi users here would be gratefull (if you posted the solution or edited rom here), as I dont own your model, or the dev (legionnaire) here as well, its pretty pointless in us trying, as we cant test it, hopefully you will have success, as all hardware platforms for andriod were thrown together without much thought or user input, some models need serious adjustment, those MID and epad tablets for instance, are just terrible, but with custom roms from dedicated devs, have turned into ok machines, im sorry I couldnt help more mate, we are all learning just the same shiz, xd
Hi Mc,
Well... I think I must try something like that... but I don't know where to start... for example, where is the kernel or what name has the kernel component... :-S
At the end, this will not be my first "hand-on" in software... I even patched, in hex, Garmin GPS files... :-D
Let me know if you can throw me a line to start the exploration... ;-)
Regards mate...!