I am very calm, but this thread is not there a day or two
Someone had to take the initiative long ago
I read all 70 pages and it's tiring And confusing no order
Many links do not work
And when I say fight cheap product
Every day a new problem I think to keep him pinned in the car
For example yesterday the gps worked very well
With software igo
Today after several restorations factory default The igo Disappeared Does not exist from the device along with software that checks the single gps
And when gutters the tablet car and trying with the waze He did not find reception is not even showing Map
And Bluetooth Does not recognize my iPhone And insists on pin bin code
Some Solutions
Bluetooth pin code 00000
waze Not working without WiFi
Two problems I could not solve
Tablet Boiling After 20-30 minutes in the device
Restore software igo
If anyone can copy me his igo folder I would be grateful
mi Email
One more thing
I saw this video that the guy did exactly what came to My mind
Too bad I do not understand Russian
I understand Main idea except where to hell He Connect wrote the fan
Here is the link to iGO: htcmania.com/showthread.php?t=411397
Use google translate. Make sure to follow the instructions to the T and you will be fine.
Here is how to use SuperOneClick: makeuseof.com/tag/root-android-phone-superoneclick-2/
Link to download SuperOneClick: shortfuse.org/
There are a lot of apps on Google Play that can display your GPS status, here is an example: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eclipsim.gpsstatus2
Just search for GPS status and look for the one you like
You seem to have sorted out the BT and Waze issue.
Let me know if you need more help.
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