Trying to Identify Kernel, Possible Overclocking Possibilities for DM7022 Radio

I am very calm, but this thread is not there a day or two
Someone had to take the initiative long ago
I read all 70 pages and it's tiring And confusing no order
Many links do not work
And when I say fight cheap product
Every day a new problem I think to keep him pinned in the car
For example yesterday the gps worked very well
With software igo
Today after several restorations factory default The igo Disappeared Does not exist from the device along with software that checks the single gps
And when gutters the tablet car and trying with the waze He did not find reception is not even showing Map
And Bluetooth Does not recognize my iPhone And insists on pin bin code

Some Solutions
Bluetooth pin code 00000
waze Not working without WiFi

Two problems I could not solve
Tablet Boiling After 20-30 minutes in the device
Restore software igo
If anyone can copy me his igo folder I would be grateful
mi Email

One more thing
I saw this video that the guy did exactly what came to My mind
Too bad I do not understand Russian
I understand Main idea except where to hell He Connect wrote the fan

Here is the link to iGO:
Use google translate. Make sure to follow the instructions to the T and you will be fine.

Here is how to use SuperOneClick:
Link to download SuperOneClick:

There are a lot of apps on Google Play that can display your GPS status, here is an example:
Just search for GPS status and look for the one you like

You seem to have sorted out the BT and Waze issue.

Let me know if you need more help.
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I dont install so many apps on the device to make sure I dont bog it up and slow it down or make it unstable.
I got a few apps that I find very useful, including one that increase the number of columns and rows and size of icons. Will share in a future post.

As for the heating up issue, does it shut down the pad? Its normal for any such devices to heat up after certain period of extended use, iPhone, SGS3, iPad etc.

I dont use it as a pad anyways so I just leave it docked and never had problems except for the random boot loops that takes a small poke at the reset button to resolve.
does it shut down the pad? No, but after 15 minutes it docked You can make pancakes on the back of the tablet
For example my computer is liquid cooling system temp 24 Stable
So you really think I would give my system to reach such situations?
Of course, such a high heat
Tablet will finally collapse and the system
All self-respecting system comes with ventilation
But the Chinese stingy assholes
And stupid because with this system produces heat
Not likely to hold for a long time Of course, the solution close to my search so far
I could not find an original fan of a similar system At hand
And the Russian dude did let's say it was not
Most refined designed
So the best option for now It is

$R124010BM_01.jpgAbout iGO I managed to find and install Version iGOMyWay_8.4.2.1 in My language

It's a bit old school But does the job
The site yo publise There version looks really good
But until it support Hebrew Let's say I doubt
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Little argument with winmark
One fan for my system

szwinmark (2012-11-22 14:27:30):
by the way,you buy it for yourself?

il1012691285 (2012-11-22 15:04:43):
No for a few of my clients in their device makes tablet to course problems and system hangs Also I checked many web forums Everyone is waiting for an answer And a solution Of course I will find a solution Without your help and will highlight that winmark !!!! Save $ 1 on the fan and not willing to admit its mistakes I refer everyone to buy from

szwinmark (2012-11-22 15:06:31):
yes,it is also produced by us

il1012691285 (2012-11-22 15:11:28):
So you can see that the fan is not part of the unit
? These complex with four screws so I do not see any reason why not possible to sell the fan separately
And if you sell them the product with fan as it should be why not all?

szwinmark (2012-11-22 15:12:50):
I see,but we have no fan in stock now

il1012691285 (2012-11-22 15:20:28):
But you said before a few minutes [FONT=&#23435]we only sell complete unit [/FONT]In short I got you
And your answer is not good enough
And good that yo said
also produced by yo I'll make sure that will not buy them too You're not the only manufacturer in China for This Product Good day to you

szwinmark (15:22:37):

[FONT=&#23435]maybe you misunderstand us [/FONT]
[FONT=&#23435]in general,we only sell complete unit,not sell some part[/FONT]

il1012691285 (15:34:59):
You may not understanding me You now admitted inadvertently that you also sell the device With fan for certain customers And the general public without a fan which causes the system to crash and produces a lot of heat Which leads to the collapse of the system And after a few months Not working at all

szwinmark (15:36:06):
[FONT=&#23435]I see,if you buy DM7033 from us originally,we can supply you some parts

szwinmark (16:09:41):
[FONT=&#23435]may I know where you buy DM7033?[/FONT]

il1012691285 (17:51:53):
I told you Erisin
They sent me a defective product tablet was not loaded and the device lights up when he feels like it Charger was Was crooked I sent back the tablet and charger and they did not send me a new charger So you see I do not have a good experience with the product of your plant


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Hi everyone,

I've just got my Erisin ES7135 after weeks of reading this thread. So far its not too bad. But the tablet seems to have a cutdown version of android. No voice control - its says voice component is missing, yet Skype works??

How are the other owners of this model getting on? Any useful tips or tricks?

Cheers, James.
Hi James,

Welcome to the thread.

As most of you will know I have both a DM7022 & a DM7033, the DM7022 has a fan fitted from factory as standard and the DM7033 did not. The DM7022 main unit is fitted & was when travelled accross Europe including a time in Romania that was so hot that I lost a number plate due to the glue holding it on melting ! & I can confirm I suffered no overheating of the pad or the main unit & I was driving upto 18 hours at a time with only toilet & fuel breaks. This must be the only problem I havent suffered so far !

I'm still considering other options due to the broken latches on both main units but so far i've had no joy & am using the mai unit with a rubber band holding the pad in place !
While I accept these are not top notch units I feel its a shame that erising/winmark did not embrace the forums & take part in discussion with their customers. I still love the concept but feel so far its been a experiment that we as customers have financed.

hello there everyone, well i have had my dm7033 for a few months and most things seemed to be ok but, i got the itch and had to have a mess and now i have a tablet that doesnt boot past the android screen.
so i figured i could just reinstall the android os... after much reading of this thread i found a download for the android OS with clear instructions on how to boot into recovery mode and install using and
but for some reson my install process throws up an error :(
does anyone have any advice?

many thanks
Hey ambrisa i have the same issue
Any one has the original firmware for the tablet??
any one who was able to install cwm, can you make a backup and post it?
Hey ambrisa

do you have adb?? are you rooted??

if not download superoneclick and do it

then fastboot erase system

reboot into recovery

and apply this update

that's how i got mine to boot!

for some reason i cant download that file, it just sends me to the dropbox main page, and when i create an account it just sends me to my page?
i've not used dropbox before, is there some trick to it?
Hi Guys,

I've downloaded a copy to my dropbox for future use in case anyone needs it, can you give me a description of the file & which version (dm7022 or dm7033) it is suitable for.
