WIFI with Phiremod 5.1 to D1 ??


Mar 27, 2011
I am currently rooted autonooter 3.0. Can I just cwr zip 5.1 wipe and install? Also will wifi work with my wifes D1 now since it doesnt with stock rooted NC. This is my wifes NC and she has a D1 rooted running chevy 4.96 ss with wireless tether and it will not work unless I change something in the adb and run some adhoc zip..? ( I have not had any luck connecting to change the adb) I would rather just goto 5.1 and make it similar to her phone, then she can read when she wants or surf or whatever thru her phone wireless tether.

So in a nutshell I either need help with.
Getting the Adhoc installed so I can Tether to the D1
Installing the Phiremod 5.1 on my NC AND will this allow it to work with the D1 Wireless tether?

I have rooted several D1's and my DX I am just wondering if the rom install is similar to changing rom on a phone...?

Thanks in advance for your reply, I really appreciate the work you have put into this.

From what I've ready wifi tethering is not working on CM7 based roms. FOund a fix for CM7 2.2 but I don't think it applys to NC 2.3 versions.
I dont want to tether to the NC I want the D1 to be the tether source (WIFI) for the NC. I guess with Wireless tether I could always switch it to Bluetooth and do it that way if I install phiremod 5.1..... But now I am in bootloop in cwr trying to do a nand. So now I am off to your other thread to restore stock recovery then do a nand then install phiremod 5.1

Thanks, Jamie
It should work, I tether my nook color to my d2 all the time. On my d2 I'm running Liberty, but my nc is running phiremod v5.1
Installed 5.1. It rocks. Tether works great to my D1 or any other wifi. I am not sure I care for ADW but Launcher pro should work correct? Can I get uninstall ADW with out any problems as far as this rom is concerned? Now I just have to take it home and get the wifes approval... Otherwise she may want a Xoom. LOL.

Thanks for the replies I will have to keep track of the 5.1 OP to make sure I have the latest updates and tricks.

yea you can install launcher pro, thats what I use. You can just set it as the default. If you wanted to get rid of adw altogether, you would have to either use root explorer or adw to replace it with launcher pro.