I tried 5arid method again, but this time I think I did it ok...
last time, I copied meta-inf and system from first dump and .img from the second...
now I found system folder should be copied from second dump....
so, I did it...
same problem...
but it seems ES file explorer is newer or something because I can select external sd now...
sadly, gallery and camer still saying error about storage
cameras says "insert an SD card before using the camera"
and gallery says: "no storage, no external storage available"
should I try partition, format, etc from recovery?
PS: is vold.fstab ok?
PS2: I think, same problem from here....

last time, I copied meta-inf and system from first dump and .img from the second...
now I found system folder should be copied from second dump....
so, I did it...
same problem...
but it seems ES file explorer is newer or something because I can select external sd now...
sadly, gallery and camer still saying error about storage
cameras says "insert an SD card before using the camera"
and gallery says: "no storage, no external storage available"
should I try partition, format, etc from recovery?
PS: is vold.fstab ok?
PS2: I think, same problem from here....

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