MID7024 "Official" and Custom ROMs

Cool.......its not bricked...cool. Now I have to add the 8G sd card and use the mbr files for more space on this thing.

BTW, what did you change to get it to work?? Also, did anyone (7024/1024/8024) get a gingerbread rom to work yet??

Just wondering.

Thanks jmv_10 you rock.


Good to know it didnt brick your tablet again hehehe you currently hold the record for bricking a tablet. hehehe

I have a working gingerbread rom but not all functionality working.

Sent from my Coby Kyros 7024
Good to know it didnt brick your tablet again hehehe you currently hold the record for bricking a tablet. hehehe

I have a working gingerbread rom but not all functionality working.

Sent from my Coby Kyros 7024

I did get the file "C8lean_v1.2.rar" to load without brick. But, the volume control was stuck in the "UP" postion continuously. It was driving me crazy because I couldn't shut it off. Other then that the system seemed.....fast. Key response, screen menus, everything seemed well..better. :)) Was going to edit the keyboard file or something, but then the "hard" brick came and everything stopped. :-((

Now that I have a working Coby again and a way to fix both a "soft" and "hard" brick I can test some of these ginger roms. :))

I did get the file "C8lean_v1.2.rar" to load without brick. But, the volume control was stuck in the "UP" postion continuously. It was driving me crazy because I couldn't shut it off. Other then that the system seemed.....fast. Key response, screen menus, everything seemed well..better. :)) Was going to edit the keyboard file or something, but then the "hard" brick came and everything stopped. :-((

Now that I have a working Coby again and a way to fix both a "soft" and "hard" brick I can test some of these ginger roms. :))


Its because the key for volume up is being sent continuosly thats why its beeping. If you want the softkey to work and stop that stuck volumekey you neeed to replace the zimage file (kernel) with c8lean ver. 7 zimage copy

Sent from my Coby Kyros 7024
over there ( in the land of slate ) the ransagy fans have been bugging him to make something 'new' because prox32 has been a maniac and cranked out something like twenty different variations of firmware - - - so the 'lean' folks are jealous . . prox32 is now forking it . ( splitting it )

oh, lately he is using a different source / beginning set to make a 'honeycomb' looking gingerbread rom. 2.3 looking like 3.0
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Thanks for the CFW V2! I tried it and it's working great, market, bluetooth and hardware!

My only concern is that a couple of apps that used to work now crash, for example "PocketCloud" which I use to control remotely my computer. Any ideas why? That's pretty much my concern... On the other hand the original firmware that my kyros had took a while to stabilize at first, so maybe this will too...
Thanks for the CFW V2! I tried it and it's working great, market, bluetooth and hardware!

My only concern is that a couple of apps that used to work now crash, for example "PocketCloud" which I use to control remotely my computer. Any ideas why? That's pretty much my concern... On the other hand the original firmware that my kyros had took a while to stabilize at first, so maybe this will too...

The overclock cpu is the problem with some app crashing...best if you use the stock uboot.bin of 7024 so you can use the stock speed of 996mhz.
Friend I leave the gingerbread version for 8024 Kyros me based on the Romanian tablet "Tablet AllDro2" which is exactly equal to the Kyros 8024. - Official Firmware
This will only change CFW languages ​​are by default (Romanian to English) , Build.prop, the wallpapers and logo.bmp.
Works 100% points.
  • I could not root.
  • I could not install and work properly google market
I hope that with the collaboration of all we can have a powerful version
gingerbread for our Kyros


Its nice to receive thanks
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Wow thanks, jmv_10.

Hopefully it can be modified to work on the 7024. I'll try tonight
Thank you so much! It's great to have a fully working gingerbread on this device.
The only change I made was I copied in the u-boot* and set_bootargs files from flxrms's firmware and it works perfectly.

And I think I found a way to root it.
/system/bin/debuggerd is started as root during boot up and we have permission to modify it, I'll post more details soon.
Thank you so much! It's great to have a fully working gingerbread on this device.
The only change I made was I copied in the u-boot* and set_bootargs files from flxrms's firmware and it works perfectly.

And I think I found a way to root it.
/system/bin/debuggerd is started as root during boot up and we have permission to modify it, I'll post more details soon.

Volume button working? :) please please tell me its working... I dont have my tablet with me right now...
oh nice..they have the 7025 modules :p oh...its nice because my board is 7025 :D

patches folder also have MultiLanguage_COBY_20110427 :D

thanks to AllDro for releasing the updated modules for the new kernel :) it means we can now expect a working CFW Gingerbread rom..
Yep, everything is working as far as I can tell. :)

But I haven't tested HDMI

:) nice.. we can now have a Honecomb Themed 2.3 tablet soon :)

i just downloaded the original and the cfw of JMV_10 ...weird that there's a file with coby in it :D :D :D

to JMV_10 thanks thanks
I have managed to root it, these are the steps:

Download the required files attached to the post

Push them with adb:
adb push su-v3 /system/bin/
adb push Superuser.apk /system/bin/
adb push debuggerd.new /system/bin/

adb shell
$ cd /system/bin/
$ cp debuggerd debuggerd.bak
$ mv -f su-v3 su
$ mv -f debuggerd.new debuggerd
$ chmod 755 debuggerd
$ exit

adb reboot

Your tablet will turn off.

Turn it back on and it will begin rooting then shutdown again.

Turn in on one more time and you should be rooted :)

Note: SuperOneClick may also work, but I haven't tried
edit: Nope, SuperOneClick doesn't work apparently


  • $root.zip
    134.6 KB · Views: 445
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