MID7024 "Official" and Custom ROMs

I have managed to root it, these are the steps:

Download the required files attached to the post

Push them with adb:
adb push su-v3 /system/bin/
adb push Superuser.apk /system/bin/
adb push debuggerd.new /system/bin/

adb shell
$ cd /system/bin/
$ cp debuggerd debuggerd.bak
$ mv -f su-v3 su
$ mv -f debuggerd.new debuggerd
$ chmod 755 debuggerd
$ exit

adb reboot

Your tablet will turn off.

Turn it back on and it will begin rooting then shutdown again.

Turn in on one more time and you should be rooted :)

Note: SuperOneClick may also work, but I haven't tried

Hey steeve, would it be cool with you if I used this in my 8024 rom that I'm working on based on this GB rom? Credit will be of course given
:) nice.. we can now have a Honecomb Themed 2.3 tablet soon :)

i just downloaded the original and the cfw of JMV_10 ...weird that there's a file with coby in it :D :D :D

to JMV_10 thanks thanks

Was just wondering if this is the new ROM everyone is talking about????

Google Translate

Just wondering.......Cool.

How do you make a patch like that? do you just tarball/gunzip the files in the file structure you want the files on the final system? and is there a certain naming convention as well?
do you just tarball/gunzip the files in the file structure you want the files on the final system?


If you want to make a enable_root tarball, the permissions of the su binary must be correct. su needs to be setuid root or else it won't work.

You can do that on a *nix system with:
# chown root:root system/bin/su
# chmod 4711 system/bin/su

You must also create the tarball as root to preserve the permissions:
# tar cvzpf ../my_patch.tgz *

and is there a certain naming convention as well?

For this particular ROM, the file name must end in "patch.tgz"
This block of code from the utscript.sh applies the patches:
for UT_BOARD_PATCHES in `find /mnt/mmc/patches/ -name "*patch.tgz"`
    tar zxvf $UT_BOARD_PATCHES
    cat init.rc.append >> init.rc
    cat init.smdkv210.rc.append >> init.smdkv210.rc
    cat build.prop.append >> system/build.prop
    rm init.rc.append
    rm init.smdkv210.rc.append
    rm build.prop.append

Each patch tarball is extracted on top of the root filesystem, then those "*.append" files (if they exist) are appended to init.rc, build.prop, etc.
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I got Evolution 3.1.1 by Prox32 working perfectly on my 7024 :)

Will post the ROM soon
I got Evolution 3.1.1 by Prox32 working perfectly on my 7024 :)

Will post the ROM soon

That's great. My first post, been lurking for awhile before attempting anything on the wife's 7024. You guys are awesome, I love playing with theses things and am looking forward to HoneyComb for my device.

Aaron Piver
That's great. My first post, been lurking for awhile before attempting anything on the wife's 7024. You guys are awesome, I love playing with theses things and am looking forward to HoneyComb for my device.

Aaron Piver

Actually the Android version is Gingerbread (2.3.3).
3.1.1 is just the version number prox32 gave his ROM.

I don't think Honeycomb is possible on this tablet yet, the best we can do is a Honeycomb-themed Gingerbread.
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I don't think Honeycomb is possible on this tablet yet, the best we can do is a Honeycomb-themed Gingerbread.

This is exactly what MID1024 needs. :D

What have you changed so far? It seems that you can go from 7024's CFW to 8024's CFW and vice-versa, will this work with 1024 too?
EDIT: This version is old, try the newer one:

Evolution 3.1.1 MOD for Coby Kyros MID7024
md5: 39dc8b170b93b3661bcacb2c9c2b74cf

-Hex edited u-boot.*, set_bootargs, and INand.vhd to fix camera (set camera=hi704)
-Added kernel (zImage, zImage.debug) from jmv_10's gingerbread ROM for 8024
-Added kernel modules, touchscreen calibration app, and other files from jmv_10's ROM (look in update/coby_kyros.tgz)
-Added stock logo.png
-Changed bootanimation (Drizzle)
-Modified utscript.sh to install coby_kyros.tgz

I didn't change anything else. I like the ROM the way it is.

Special thanks:
prox32 and all other contributors to the original ROM
Other members of the Android Tablets forum
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This is exactly what MID1024 needs. :D

What have you changed so far? It seems that you can go from 7024's CFW to 8024's CFW and vice-versa, will this work with 1024 too?

Posted the changes above.

Note that I didn't apply a Honeycomb theme to this ROM, I was just saying that a Honeycomb-themed Gingerbread ROM was possible.

I don't know if this can work with the 1024, but flxrms got the 1024 stock froyo working on the 7024, so he probably knows more about this than I do.
Posted the changes above.

I see. Great job, thanks! I went to the Evolution thread and I didn't see much info about its specs. What's good about it?

So there is no HC themed ROM so far for any MIDx024, right?
I see. Great job, thanks! I went to the Evolution thread and I didn't see much info about its specs. What's good about it?

Some things I've noticed so far:
-Battery seems to drain slower (either that or the battery status indicator is inaccurate)
-includes Android Market and Google apps
-Overclocked cpu
-Snappier than the stock froyo
-Touch screen seems more responsive
-Bluetooth (requires dongle, haven't tested yet)

Seems a lot like flxrms's CFW, but based on gingerbread instead of froyo

So there is no HC themed ROM so far for any MIDx024, right?

Not that I know of, but I'm sure we'll see one soon.