[ROM] Gome Superpad firmware update 3245 Android2.1/stable/smooth/fast/unofficial

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Can Nobody help me about my problem with the market to update it ?

Don't take this wrong, but we are all learning from each other here, so it is considered somewhat rude (at least I think) for a new member to expect an answer to a problem we're all having in less than 24 hours. We're all trying to help each other, so show a bit of respect please. rgocal has been phenomenal in his spearheading of helping us install this firmware. Many of us are more interested in seeing paid apps than the newer Market UI. By the way, I can say this because I bought my tablet in Jan. from a company that promised all kinds of updates and have since abandoned their paying customers after getting into hot water for not delivering. The volunteer support I get here is LIGHT YEARS better, and I hope I'm able to contribute some tidbits of knowledge as well every so often.

That said, read my next post.
Tonight was the first time I was able to push an app to my tablet through the http://market.android.com site on my computer. Not sure if it works with paid apps but will post back if/when I try it.

I've been on other android based websites and uk what? I cancled my subscriptopn to em because of war like behavior for better software and advancedments for their device. My homes here. The lil things are alright. Thanku for support :) and good work

Alright so this might help people in their investigating system app installation such as the updated eclair market we need installed. in my instructions of installing the live wallpapers, in terminal app u must put in the following to make the android system rewriteable, accessable, and be able to push (install) system based apps.

mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

That command in terminal will allow u access to your file system and allow browsing in your root file browser such as the one in absolute system. Mtd3 happens to be the system partition (not always). Like windows, the android operating system partitions its memory space only windows needs one partition(or depending on the pc users specifications).

If you wanna see for yourself in terminal type

cat proc/mtd

Thatl show you your device's memory partitions

Let's say you deleted vending.apk or wowhome.apk on accident. You would find the replacement app from maybe the 1658 update folder. I'm gonna pick on wowhome.apk or the wow launcher, you would put that apk on the root of your sdcard. Once there, (once your rooted and have terminal installed and busybox) you would do the command posted above and then type...

cat /sdcard/wowhome.apk > /system/app/wowhome.apk

The command *cat* is telling the system ok I wanna move a file to the system. The arrow meaning push and /system/app/ meaning were to push. Now you have to name what u want the push to be so just name it what your pushing. /system/app/wowhome.apk

What else can this command be used for? Reverse the command and ull get the opposite

cat /system/app/wowhome.apk > /sdcard/wowhome.apk

That told the system hey I want this apk pulled (backed up) to my sdcard. So now you got a copy of that apk on your sdcard.
The point why I posted this? So you can experiment with system apks. System apks are android packages you go to install but after it says installing, the message cannot be installed appears. Like the vending.apk or market. So if you found the updated eclair or 2.1 market and you wanna try installing it, use the above to help you or if u just wanna play. For rookie android users, I would not recommend this cuz if u lose your apk u were messin with ur gonna flip chit on us and we have to throw water on yah and say chill out. The cool thing about android...everythings reversable or fixable.

My advice for the day
I'm still a rook myself but, you know how I'm learning? By visiting the android development site and reading, disecting roms for phones and firmwares for tablets and seeing how the dev packaged it and by playen myself. If the thing I did screwed my device up, I sit there and think...maaaybe that wasn't such a good idea or...ups.
With that if anyone hasn't heard yet, I am trying as a side project to take this update and repackage it to a community based custom firmware so we don't have to depend on the company for updates. We will depend on each other. Have I made any progess yet... a little but nothing running yet.

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I bought the ICan 10 as well. You're right, this site is awesome and so is rgocal! Everyone has been really helpful on things, so KUDOS to all involved! :)
I bought the ICan 10 as well. You're right, this site is awesome and so is rgocal! Everyone has been really helpful on things, so KUDOS to all involved! :)


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Got my leather keyboard case for my flytouch2 today. Gotta say. Makes it look like a sexy netbook now.

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Thanks to jeffh for finding this "beat me to it 0.0"

Burntool for windows only, possible manualy through osx and linux os,s

Update 3245

whats new?

*Smoother UI
*Camera fix
*Skype and Windows Live messenger enhanced
*3g options for 3g adapters
*Icon changes
*registration completly gone...this time
*A Better Tablet

Should i update since i just did?
~its completly up to you, its your tablet but if you wanna keep up-to-date with software then go ahead.
Is this update process hard?
~id say intermediate, just follow directions or ask for help...hence why we are here
Am i gonna notice a difference in performance?
~Depends who sold your tablet. The flytouch 2 market is iffy and some tablets dont have the same hardware inside of them...Hence the second generation that was just released.
Do i update my flytouch 2 with froyo with this update?
~nooo this update is for the first generation FTii tablets
Do you see a performance difference?
~yes i do but it doesnt mean everyone else will
Could i ruin my tablet if i do somthing wrong?
~ofcourse:)...i mean :(
Will this sd card process screw up my partitions on my TF card...
~yes it will and we will fix that once your update is installed.
Is it genuine?
~I dont know but it works good

SD card update burner : flytouch2-ROM-recover-card.zip ( bootable sd ) (The burn tool needed for this process)
UpDate 3245: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service ( android.rar ) (The android files needed for the update, not an *update.zip*)

(if they dont work, try the site)
InfoTM X220 (Flytouch II, WOWpad, SuperPAD) ROM Development - Page 151 - xda-developers

Thanks to XDA

Flytouch 2 Generation 1 Update process
Update 2.1.3245

By: Ryan Gocal (Rg)

1.Extract the recovery rar file and make a folder like I dont know...FTii Recovery Tool on your desktop
2. go in win hex folder and click on winhex.exe located in second folder on the bottom of list
3. on the tool bar click on options, general
4. Setting up your work enviroment~ make folder for temp. files somwhere on your hdd or point it to your FTii recovery tool folder
5. click ok and close out of program

!Make Boot sector to SD Card! *Caution, This is the only place you can screw up and your sd card should result in a 700mb storage device, if not you failed.
~Run WinHex.exe
1. on the toolbar click... tools, disk tools, clone disk
2. choose file (aben.start sector.001) its the first file in the recovery folder you made, thee important one.
3. Choose the sd card as your destination, whether its in an sd card adapter or usb adapter.
4. Checklist...source: raw image should be chosen as your sector.001 file, destination medium is going to be your sd card, start sector (destination) Fill in 0 (zero) and click ok. if you recieve any temp. file locator errors, ignore them unless its concerning your preporation setup or this process wont work.
5. After finish it finishes, take out the card, close your windows and put it back in.
6. your result of the card should be 700mb after you format the card to Fat32, if not you screwed up and restart the process to editing your sd card.
7. extract android folder and copy the folder android on the sd card

take a breath...

mmmk then

put the card in your tablet and power it on (dont press buttons, dont boot to recovery, just turn it on and you should recieve a message right away saying applying update or somthing relative to that)

let linux do its thing

calibrate your screen


Debugging options have NOT been disabled, they have been HIDDEN..so dont fret. Wehave posted links for rooting and to fix your sd card. we are here to help, any questions, comments or concerns...post them here were all the action is. I will help, they will help. thats why we are here, we are the FTii community. Amen

Here is a package for the FTii i made up. More Will be added and subtracted by popularity. When new and cool software comes out with tablet capadibility, it will be added probably. V 1.0 MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Just a few minutes ago I put The MicroSD Recovery Card 3245 Update1 in my PC tablet Fly Touch2 Infotmyc and I turn it on to reboot.

First it started updating..then started burning file system

and then asked me to turn it off and reboot.

After calybrating now both Interface application and

Home Screens are working properly and very stable.

But unforunately after I have inserted the Wireless WPA KEY Number

and clicked to "connect" it started "authanticating" then "connecting" but then disconnected

saying not in range remembered.
This is something that I was not facing with the previous WOW PAD SCREEN version.
Can someone help me to work around this problem ???
As without the WIFI connection it is useless.:eek:
My wifi works just fine. Did u try booting into recovery and clearing the cache?

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Have you tried power-cycling your router to clear its DHCP address leases? It is POSSIBLE that it is confused because it sees it as the same, yet different, device.
Have you tried power-cycling your router to clear its DHCP address leases? It is POSSIBLE that it is confused because it sees it as the same, yet different, device.

Oo forgot to mention that

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Thanks guys,
But it was all my fault I had not selected the WAP/WAP2 option
to which my Router was set up.
By Factory on the System it was set to"auto", so once I have
changed it now everything works fine.
This update 3245 much faster and more stable than before.
You Tube and the Browser they work fine too.
I was able to change the Country/City and Date/Time Temps.
Only with Skype I get only the options to Talk and Chat
no Video, however I have not used it yet.
Keep well.Regards.:)
Video chat is only supported by 2.2 +

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With this version (3245) I have troubles with HDMI. When I try to commute to TV it appears in the upper left corner of the FT2 “connection/disconnection” constantly changing (intermittent hdmi cable on off). The image and sound “hiccups” on FT2 screen. No image on TV. Some ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.
Just update yesterday and although i have noticed a frankly remarkable increase to both performance and booting i seem to be suffering from a remarkibly diminished battery life.

anything i can alter or switch out in my system options or a reliable app that can monitor this?

two and a half hours use to every four hours charging is becoming somewhat frustrating.
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