[ROM] Indonesian Android 2.2.2 for Dual-Camera S7 S7v100R001C98B021

Well, not sure what is going on, but you have to put the entire "dload" folder on the micro SD card, including the folder itself. Don't just put the files on there, put the entire folder itself with all the files in it on there. The files have to be in a folder called "dload" on the SD card.
At first, I did have the files just hanging around on the root of the SD card. Now, I have the dload folder there, like it's supposed to be. But still no luck.

I just realized what may potentially be my problem... I have the dual-SD version from Best Buy, and I don't have an external SD card, this is the internal. Could that be the problem? I gave my spare to my dad, so if that's the problem, I'm going to need to go pick one up today.
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At first, I did have the files just hanging around on the root of the SD card. Now, I have the dload folder there, like it's supposed to be. But still no luck.

I just realized what may potentially be my problem... I have the dual-SD version from Best Buy, and I don't have an external SD card, this is the internal. Could that be the problem? I gave my spare to my dad, so if that's the problem, I'm going to need to go pick one up today.

you have to use external sdcard to flash.
the file structure like this:

i don't know if there is a walkround to force flashing using internal sd card.

as alternatif you can use Huawei S7 UPGRADE TOOLS to flash it with your pc
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At first, I did have the files just hanging around on the root of the SD card. Now, I have the dload folder there, like it's supposed to be. But still no luck.

I just realized what may potentially be my problem... I have the dual-SD version from Best Buy, and I don't have an external SD card, this is the internal. Could that be the problem? I gave my spare to my dad, so if that's the problem, I'm going to need to go pick one up today.

You are correct, you will need an SD Card to do this. If you don't normally use an SD card you could just get a 1GB card and use that. This is what I have done, but only SD cards that I have from old phones that are 1GB is what I use to flash these. Also once you have it flashed make sure to take it out when you reboot or it will do the update again.
At first, I did have the files just hanging around on the root of the SD card. Now, I have the dload folder there, like it's supposed to be. But still no luck.

I just realized what may potentially be my problem... I have the dual-SD version from Best Buy, and I don't have an external SD card, this is the internal. Could that be the problem? I gave my spare to my dad, so if that's the problem, I'm going to need to go pick one up today.

Is not gone work from internal card because it will enter into a boot loop writing over and over the same update(this is how is made the bootloader to check at evry boot for an update on sdcard).It will work with PC transfer tool.For this you need the right driver to be installed and to put the tablet in bootloader.
So I did this last night and everything is working great. Then got the app location moved to the partition on my SDCard (Internal), I like having 1GB instead of 160MB. Have LPP set up. Just moved all the back ups from my DroidX over to my S7 and am working on restoring all the 2.2 apps now.

I have not had any problems, everything is running very smooth for me. Huge thanks to tri_zet and everyone who has been working on this. Having 2.2 completes the tablet for me! Ok until we start seeing some kickass custom roms.
Cruzzmz, u just unzip or unrar in this case d dowloaded rom 2 ur sdcard. Should have 2 files inside the dload folder. Then just slot in d sdcard n restart. If correct then update should start wife a progress bar. Its not officially released in Malaysia yet.
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For the one with 1 camera version that is not working have you tried to go on settings>camera settings to see if you can use your camera?....
It just came in my mind reading your posts.
OK, still a bit of a noob here, Sorry! But how do you change the app location to the partition on the Internal SD Card? My memory under settings says
that my internal SD card has 7+ GB Available, My External SD is recognized and has some available memory (Already has vids and tunes on it). But
Under the Internal Tablet Storage Available Space it says 66.16MB. I have Android 2.2 installed and rooted. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Also A BIG THANK YOU to our Indonesia friends for the new file!
Want to mention a big THANKS to all the people which made possible the post of this Android 2.2 update. Also the people that helped explain how to root this version too. Great community.
Okay, huge thanks to everyone so far. Your patience is saintly.

I just went to Best Buy, and totally forgot to buy an SD card (this Best Buy has a musical instruments section, and I'm easily distracted). If that's the easiest way, I can go back, but if I can do this via the upgrade tools, I'll gladly do that.

What are the steps to using the Huawei Upgrade Tools? Seeing as this is an updata.app, and not a .bin firmware, how do I use the software to update?

Edit: nevermind. I'm an idiot. The thing has instructions.
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Does anyone know if wireless tethering works after the update to 2.2? I assume you still need to root, but is there anything else required?

wireless tethering works fine, no need to root, only to enable from Setings/ wireless and network settings

thanks to all involved for the update

The S7-101(single front camera) with android 2.2.2 works great... except camera app ....
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