Sorry I am not sure what you mean.
I currently have the tablet plugged in to AC power. I had the male to male usb cable connected to my lap top.
If I only have the AC plugged in where will the new rom flash from? I am trying to reload the ViewCOMB 3.2 Build 7.1 and only have the exe file on my lap top?
Do I need something else? And should I do it through the cable or on a usb stick? Sorry but I am pretty new to this..
Hello again, you just need de USB drivers installed on your laptop so that e can find your tablet when you powered it in recovery flash mode. then you just have to execute de viewcomb 7.1.exe to flash it will do all automaticly. If it doesn´t detecte your tablet its probably of 2 things your not on recovery mode our you have not instaled de USB driver for NVFLAsh...