Trying to Identify Kernel, Possible Overclocking Possibilities for DM7022 Radio

...I never got the fix to work on my 2.1 tab. ...

Look at one of my previous post. I included a modified "framework.jar" that correct the GPS speed.

...Secondly the GPS looks to have a software fault mentioned within this thread.. As the speed is almost doubled whatever you actually doing. e.g. you’re doing 50 it say 102. it’s the same whether you’re the software is set to mph or kph. I've also tested it side by side with my existing GPS device and that fine so it’s not a signal issue.
Will the patch linked within this thread fix it for a 2.3.3 version of Android.
Pretty sure the file is not the same version (OS 2.1 vs 2.3). As you are rooted, get your "framework.jar" file and post it here. I will modify it for the ES777A owner.
Thanks a lot for the offer to tweak the framework jar file. I've uploaded it here Looking around before your offer I found the following post referring to a GPS fix and was half way through the instruction when I noticed your offer. HD9 (MT6516) support thread - ACER Users / ETEN Users Forum

Looking at the instructions it all match except the line number its says 591 but my version is referencing line 560. So guessing it would have been the same but keep my existing line number.

 .method public getSpeed()F
 .registers 6

 const v1, 0x3F03B2A1

 .line 591
 iget v0, p0, Landroid/location/Location;->mSpeed:F

 mul-float v2, v0, v1
 return v2
 .end method

Anyway, I'd have bottled out probably before completing this myself; as I've still not managed to find a way to dump the rom so i have a backup.

Any advice on that?

Thanks angin for your kind offer.
Ps. Happy Christmas to one and all.
Oh, and stupid market app stopped working, all search return "No matching content in Android Market". Update of already installed app still work, and install request from the web site also ????????
Hi spacey,

Mine also was at line 560. I left it that way.

Downloaded yours, and it is a different version than mine. Will work on it, but not tonight ;)

Happy Christmas to all.
Thanks TDI_Votex, happy to wait its Christmas after all :). Plus it looks like your my only hope now... Erisin support got back to me with this...

Thank you for your email, we feel so sorry for the problems.
- The GPS problem:
The GPS only work when combine with the PAD and car unit, as the car unit connected the GPS antenna, thank you for your attention!

- The speed problem.
Sorry, this is the common condition, we are improve this, please refers to your car dashboard speed, thanks in advance for your understanding! Once we have a better way, we will inform you.

Any further question pls just feel free to let us know!
We wish you a merry Christmas!

So in short... we cant help but cheers for your money :) I love'd the idea of looking at the dashboard speed :)

Anyway that's me for the night... Have a good holiday season everybody
Ok, so now the ES777A is moaning that it’s not got root anymore and all my attempts to correct it have failed :mad:.

I want to do a simple factory reset but I’m struggling to work that out still. Can anybody help?

I've run the factory reset under settings => privacy => factory reset. but that as you would expect just deletes my setting not the installed apps etc.

Thanks in advance.
Ok, so now the ES777A is moaning that it’s not got root anymore and all my attempts to correct it have failed .

I want to do a simple factory reset but I’m struggling to work that out still. Can anybody help?

I've run the factory reset under settings => privacy => factory reset. but that as you would expect just deletes my setting not the installed apps etc.

Thanks in advance.

That said it doesn’t actually remove the Gmail account and a few other things i would expect. Each time i try and factory reset it reboots and sticks at FWDN. I have to press reset to continue.
I think I've found the problem. At some point whilst trying to back up the Rom with clockworkmod I've screwed up the recovery image with one from clockworkmod. Anybody know how to restore the original recovery partition?

Again, goes to show I shouldnt be left alone :(
Quick update:
I've fixed the factory reset not working by issuing a "fastboot -w". That actually deleted my data this time and return the pad to default language and setup. Was a little interesting trying to remember where the English setting is under settings when everything is in Chinese.

It also looks like I have managed to fix the root issue. Connecting via adb allowed me to shell as root and find that the su command was being linked to busybox which wasn’t working in the slightest.
I've now relink su to /system/xbin/su and everything is working again.

Still not sure if I’ve trashed the recovery image but that’s going to have to wait until another day. After all if i don’t go to sleep soon Santa won’t come to visit!!

Err ok, I think I’ve been awake to long
Hi TDI_Votex
Well cheers for making my Christmas day!! File download and installed just need to take it for a drive to see if I’m in luck.
Really appreciate you taking the time and effort to do this; especial at such as busy time of year.

All the best,
Any progress yet ?
Did they send you a tracking number ?

Yes, I got the tracking number. It is on the way to Canada. I should get it within this year and I will post it.

If someone know how to port the O/S out, Please let me know and I will post it and you guy can upgrade the DM7022 for fun
Because the /system partition is almost full, I had some problem pushing the framework.jar file in /system/framework. The rm -r command does not instantly free up the space in the partition, and I had to reboot without this file. The boot stopped at the small rodent in the upper left corner and I was able to "adb push" the file from there. I did not wipe the dalvik-cache, so it took some reboot before the patch made it's way.

Did you make it on rooted device?

All my attempts to write framevork.jar failed.
What do the command "rm -r"? it should be entered on computer in android SDK?
Can youwrite the detailed instructions "for dummies"?
So did anyone figure out a clockwork recovery that will work for this Chinese no name thing I would like to try upgrading it but want it backed up first. If so could you tell me the link or something.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Lsx27,
I'm proof that you need to be very careful with the Clockwork recovery. I've completely screwed my ES777A recovery boot options trying to use the Clockwork recovery. I've done a lot of phone moding, Rom tweaking/building over the years and in this case excitement and overconfidence was my downfall. I'm by no means an expert, so take what I’ve written below as only a rough guide to complement your own research..

Here's a quick recap of everything I've managed to do so far ...

Root Device:
  • Turn on USB Debugging in Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging - check the box
  • Download latest copy of SuperOneClick from here SuperOneClick |
  • Now follow instruction on you tube video. Note: video shows old version but instructions are still correct. How To: Root Your Android Phone (SuperOneClick Method) | TheUnlockr
  • Quick Basic instructions. Note: Do this at your own risk!!!!
  • Install software on windows PC, Run application. Note: if on windows 7/vista Make sure you right click on the SuperOneClick.exe and select run as administrator.
  • Application should load, now select Donate Later. AGAIN NOTE: You really should donate but I understand you might want to see the application work before donating but don’t forget to donate after it works!
  • Now click “Root”
  • If at any point it get stuck at waiting for device check the trouble shooting section on lick above. Main items to check are adb install is working e.g. can connect to phone and you’re running the application as Administrator.
  • If device locks up (my own did this regularly when trying different rooting applications) Unplug USB lead and restart device. Only plug the lead back in once device has completely restarted.
  • You should now have root on you device.
  • If you don’t; try doing it the manual way. It’s longer but it’s also worked very well for me.
  • Install ADB as per How To: Install ADB and Fastboot on your Windows computer for use with your Android phone | Android Articles | dotTech
  • Then root via issuing adb commands manually: Follow something like this. (I’ll right step by step instruction next time I have to do it). Won’t be long as I should be buying another unit for the fiancée’s car soon. [Blocks OTA's!] Full root for Nook Tablet. [11/20/11] [Permanent root!] - xda-developers
Possible issue: If you have issues and it say you haven’t got root then connect via adb shell and check the permissions on the su binary. My own were wrong on one occasion when I did this.

Backup Device.
  • Dump boot, recovery, and system partitions to new blank SD card.
  • Follow instructions on Index of /romdump
I can’t stress enough that you must do this once you have root configured on your phone. I failed to backup my recovery image for the ES777A and now I’m paying the price. Since installing ClockworkMod and screwing my recovery image up.
Appeal to anybody with an ES777A unit. Please can you dump your recovery image and upload it. I’m desperate to fix my own unit!!!

Backup Check
Before doing anything else check you’ve copied the previously backed up files off the SD card and place them somewhere safe!!!

Fix GPS Speed Issue
: Still applicable to ES777A and older unit ES666A.

Android looks to measure speed in Knots and as such roughly doubles all speeds reported. Irrespective of unit of measurement selected e.g. MPH or KPH. Equally swapping Navigation software won’t resolve this problem.

Ok, before we go into the solution I have to say a big big thanks to TDI_Votex Who recompiled both of these fixes for us. All credit must go to him!
First download the new framework.jar file that’s compatible with your unit
ES777A Android 2.3.3 = MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
ES666A Android 2.1= MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Make sure you get the right version as it will break if you don’t.

You must have root in order to apply this file to your pad.
  1. Copy correct version of framework.jar to SD card
  2. Open RootExplorer Navigate to SD card and select framework.jar and copy
  3. Now navigate to /system/framework/
  4. You now need to remount the filesystem as read/write. Simple if you’re using RootExplorer. Just click “Mount R/W”. If you’re not then your need to look to see if your application allows this function. Again you must be root in order to remount to filesystem.
  5. Select framework.jar and pick rename rename it to framework.jar.bak
  6. Press menu key and chose paste. This should paste the previously copied framework.jar from the SD card to /system/framework/ folder.
  7. Check/set permission on file. Select file and choose Permissions:
    owner:Read & write
    Group: Read
    Others: Read
    e.g. chmod 644 (-rw-r--r--).
  8. Set file system back to read only. if you’re using RootExplorer. Just click “Mount R/O”. If you’re not then your need to look to see if your application allows this function.
  9. Load GPS application and test. If your happy its work then you could go back and delete the framework.jar.bak file but that’s up to you. Just remember to change the file system to read/write in order to delete the file and remember to set it back to Read-Only afterwards.

    If you strugle to do this, then let me know I'll write the ADB instructions for you to do it via usb debug mode.

Other stuff to write up when I have more time to finish it etc.

IGO Tweaks

For UK users to set the speed reporting to MPH. Even when the units and measurements are set to miles/yards or miles/feet. IGO still reports speed as KPH, especially when warning for speed cameras etc.

Fix that worked for me on the ES777A:
  • Open your file explorer program (RootExplorer is the easiest)
  • Navigate to /data/data/com.navngo.igo.javaclient/
  • Set file system as READ/Write
  • Select sys.txt and copy and paste. To create a backup.
  • Now edit sys.txt
  • Add the following lines.

  • Save and exit.
  • Remount filesystem as read-only.
  • Load IGO select Map and check screen bottom left will still say KPH but it’ll actually be MPH. When I have time I’ll try and rebrand the screen to say mph.
Ad hock Wireless Mode.
What is it? Answer: On wireless computer networks, ad-hoc mode is a method for wireless devices to directly communicate with each other. Operating in ad-hoc mode allows all wireless devices within range of each other to discover and communicate in peer-to-peer fashion without involving central access points.
Why bother??? Well I want it so I can use Torque to interrogate my cars OBC to replace the three dials I had to take out of the car to fit the 2 DIN unit J
Should just be a case of updating the /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant
Examples of tweak here: WiFi Adhoc working with wpa_supplicant tweak ! - xda-developers
Note: I believe you need to match the version of wpa_supplicant to your Android version. So don’t just grab any off the internet… doing so will most likely break your Wi-Fi. I’ve still not managed to try doing this myself. You’ve been warned.

Hope this helps…
Ps. Feel free to complain about my spelling and grammar! Just know one thing before you do, in my head it’s correct and that’s all I care about J