Trying to Identify Kernel, Possible Overclocking Possibilities for DM7022 Radio

Run FWDN_V7_v2.13.exe on your pc.
Unplug the power from your tab....
Plug in the usb cable pc to tab
Hold all three buttons down on your tab and hit the reset button.
You should see a new fwdn box will say something about boot loading.
As soon as you see this you can release the buttons.....wait a few seconds and you should see info in the nand data box on the right of the FWDN main window.
You are now in FWDN mode.......

If you don,t see anything in the nand box, you will have gone into ADB the buttons and reset and try again.

It sound complicated but once you have done it a few times it becomes easy.......

I forgot to add.... you need to have the VTC drivers installed on your pc first........
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does anyone know how to fix the gps speed?
All gps programs show overestimated speed.
I have been wondering this too. Also when I'm in navigation it always says it loses the satellite but still shows me moving accurately on the map its really weird.
I have been wondering this too. Also when I'm in navigation it always says it loses the satellite but still shows me moving accurately on the map its really weird.
Judging by responses of other owners of Chinese devices, the problem is incorrect settings in /system/framework/framework.jad

maybe someone could make a patch?
just wondering how is the sound quality of the headunit for other people? and where did everyone mount their gps reciever?
i was able to locate some gps update files from the maker but im not sure if it applies to this device, i can post it up if anyone is wanting to try it. all you do put all the files in an BLANK mini micro sd card and insert it into the sd slot on the headunit NOT the pad. start system let it load update ect automatically and shut it down again then restart. those were the instruction given by me.. i don't have any blank micro sd card at the moment but will try this once i get a chance
Doesn't work on my DM7022. It's trying to reed multimedia files from SD, and then stay on SD screen.
just wondering how is the sound quality of the headunit for other people? and where did everyone mount their gps reciever?

Did some test in the car (2003 VW Jetta) to figure out my wiring, and the sound is good. I had to change the car side connector of the harness provided with the radio to Metra 70-9003. Also found that everything is CANBUS on this radio (VW Premium 6 aka Panasonic CQ-JV1068XB). Only Power, CAN and SAFE wire on this, no illumination nor accessory. I will have to find them.

Some people that installed OEM Nav system in Jetta's reported good GPS reception with the antenna on the steel beam just behind the cluster. It's a good hidden place and I will try it first.

Did someone manage to get the Bluetooth accessible to the Android OS when the tablet is docked in the headunit? I would like to get the Torque app running with my mini ELM327 OBD2-Bluetooth adapter.
my sound quality sucks, it was good for a day, i think maybe a wire came loose but as of right now..i can't hear anything on bluetooth calls, music turned up all the way to max is half the volume as my previous headunit, no bass what so ever..none of the sound settings seem to do anything...i have to look into wiring more
i got everything rewired, the tech team told me the gps sensor is waterproof and best mounted outside so i mounted on the car roof which gave me better reception but MPH reading is still way off..they told me they have noticed the problem and is being fixed in the meantime. the sound still isn't as loud as my previous only sound as maybe half as loud.. another thing is the bluetooth phone works but the sound coming out of it is so minimal that i can't hear anything...anyone else have this problem?
i use bluetooth and the sound is will go louder than I need it to.
People tell me the quality of my voice is crap...I think it needs an external mike.

General sound (radio, etc) is also loud....