Wifi Problems for rooted users please check this.

Hi, I haven't try the new ROM on my Craig tablet yet, do we have to use the SD version or the RK utility? or it doesn't matter.
Thanks for the great work, I hope that I will get my wifi back, I'm out and my tablet is home, I'm so excited though.

SD should work fine.
im having a problem i just got a craig android tablet and dont have wifi but have a mobile broadband. And it doesnt work, any suggestions or know of a way to get it to work? Also how do u root it? Can i get the android market and play games without a wifi connection? seriously need help here.
Verizon MiFi has problems. I dont know about the others. As for rooting you need internet to download the apps.
I need help with my craig 738b. I just bought it and would like to make it a better tablet for myself. Not computer smart. Can anyone help me?

Sent from my M860 using Android Tablet Forum
Guys , that worked like a charm. Thanks so much!! Maybe I can help someone out on here one day like you guys.

Update. Tried the realtek rom, works perfect. Got rid of Zeam and went with Go Launcher EX and so far having a good time with this thing. Seams to be that the stock launcher is pretty well locked down so wouldnt recomend using it when there is much better for free.

Update update......question. this thing runs pretty sluggish, angry birds is very choppy...is it just a slow processor, lack of flash, or something else maybe. I guess what I mean is, are these just pokey little things regardless???
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