Trying to Identify Kernel, Possible Overclocking Possibilities for DM7022 Radio

Hi Guys,

When I unzip TDI-Votex's framework.jar zip I find a folder called META-INF & two files called classes.dex & preloaded-classes, How do I use these files/folder to fix the gps speed on my DM7022 unit ?

Got everything intsalled, and I'm installing more apps and such at the moment. One thing I seem to be having issues with is Youtube. I'm not getting video from the display. I hear audio from videos, but I get no video. Anyone else having this issue?
Hi Guys,

When I unzip TDI-Votex's framework.jar zip I find a folder called META-INF & two files called classes.dex & preloaded-classes, How do I use these files/folder to fix the gps speed on my DM7022 unit ?


Hi Mark,

Do not extract the contents of framework.jar. Just go to the /system/framework/ folder, rename existing framework.jar to framework.bak and copy patched framework.jar to /system/framework/.
You only need to replace existing framework.jar with the patched one, but keep backup copy of the old framework.jar and store it in the safe place. Of course you`ll need rootexplorer and root access rights.

You need to extract and decompile contents of framework.jar only if you want to patch it yourself (that is what i did).

Please remember, you may destroy the system and brick your tablet. I`d recommend you to be very careful.
Did some limited testing so far and I've had the same issues with Igo voice as everyone else. I installed Navigon (4.01)and that doesn't have the voice issue, but it takes over all sound once it give the first voice command so you don't get audio back. Google Navigation worked just fine without any voice issues.

In general I don't like having voice nav on anyway so I might just use iGo and turn off the voice, but I do like the ability to click on places while driving on google nav and get info about the place. It also pulls up pics of the location, and reviews.

Igo is much better about telling you which lane you should be in when you get in a confusing area, and lanes divide. Almost got lost today using google nav where I'm pretty sure igo would have kept me on the right path.
Oh and for anyone else that wants to use a rear monitor I have that working also it works just fine with DVD's and such going to the back (as long as you have the parking brake properly grounded). I didn't try this yet, but I think you can probably use the NAV on your front screen while the DVD is playing and have it still show on the secondary screen. If I remember I'll test that later today. I'm pretty sure the nav voice will interrupt the DVD audio though.
Hi Rchapoteau,

I have the same problem with youtube, thanks for your report about the rear video output. My unit was supplied with mobile maps 10 & a keygen program ! but I found that it took over 4 mins to load. I'm using co pilot live for android which I find runs without problem & is faster to load.

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Did some limited testing so far and I've had the same issues with Igo voice as everyone else. I installed Navigon (4.01)and that doesn't have the voice issue, but it takes over all sound once it give the first voice command so you don't get audio back. Google Navigation worked just fine without any voice issues.

In general I don't like having voice nav on anyway so I might just use iGo and turn off the voice, but I do like the ability to click on places while driving on google nav and get info about the place. It also pulls up pics of the location, and reviews.

Igo is much better about telling you which lane you should be in when you get in a confusing area, and lanes divide. Almost got lost today using google nav where I'm pretty sure igo would have kept me on the right path.

Hi, new IGO 8.4.3 build 179971 works much better in view of voice quality. Old 8.4.2 version gives unusable voice guidance on our tablets, but in my experience, it works more reliable.

I`ve heard there is a parameter in sys.txt file, responsible for the delays between the parts of phrase, and voice bug on our tablets can be fixed with the correction of that parameter. But i don`t know what exactly to do to fix the problem. I use new IGO and voice quality is good enough. Not as good as in GoogleNAV or other programs, but i understand what it says.
I was really busy yesterday and didn't get a chance to do much else with the unit yet, but I forgot to mention iPhone/iPod connectivity. When you plug in your iPhone/iPod it goes and brings up your playlist or albums or artists and other things in a list. To me this isn't as usable as I'd like it to be because I have a lot of music. Same with my pioneer. If you try to access the music library from your phone it will tell you that its currently being accessed.

The good news is that you can use the iPhone to stream your music through the connection (or through a2dp). So if you have spotify or something else and you connect the phone to the headunit, it will allow you to play anything that isn't in your library throught the unit.

I plan on getting a Samsung Galaxy Note soon so I won't be able to have this option for long and I'll switch to just doing a2dp.
I was really busy yesterday and didn't get a chance to do much else with the unit yet, but I forgot to mention iPhone/iPod connectivity. When you plug in your iPhone/iPod it goes and brings up your playlist or albums or artists and other things in a list. To me this isn't as usable as I'd like it to be because I have a lot of music. Same with my pioneer. If you try to access the music library from your phone it will tell you that its currently being accessed.

The good news is that you can use the iPhone to stream your music through the connection (or through a2dp). So if you have spotify or something else and you connect the phone to the headunit, it will allow you to play anything that isn't in your library throught the unit.

I plan on getting a Samsung Galaxy Note soon so I won't be able to have this option for long and I'll switch to just doing a2dp.

Hi Rchapoteau,

If you don´t want to use the bluetooth, you can use the auxiliar audio input to control the music with the Samsung.
Tested my DVD output to the second screen while I had navigation up on the pad, and it worked well without issue. Video stayed up on the second screen and GPS stayed on the pad. The GPS audio interrupted the DVD audio and then it continued back playing the DVD just like it does any radio source.

Hopefully this week I'll have time to try breaking into WinCE. I don't have much confidence that I'll be able to, but its worth a shot.